
How to cancel State College Internet Service?

To cancel the Service, you must contact us 30 days in advance by calling (814) 325-2382 or send an email to You may also send registered or certified mail, return receipt requested to StateCollegeInternet, 220 Regent Court, Suite B, State College, PA 16801, ATTN: Customer Service.

Your Service Cancellation will ONLY be complete once you have been provided verbally or electronically with a cancellation confirmation number. If you have sent certified or registered mail, your receipt may also be considered confirmation of cancellation. To prevent any additional charges, you must return all CPE provided to you by StateCollegeInternet within 30 days of termination of service at the noted service location.

Due to the Company’s collection procedures, the Company CANNOT accept any CPE returned after 30 days of your cancellation date.

If CPE provided by StateCollegeInternet is not returned, you will be charged based on the following price list, which includes handling and administrative charges related.

*Billed $197.80 for equipment.  

  • Modem ($149.95)
  • Power Supply ($29.95)
  • Cat 5 Ethernet Cable ($9.95)
  • Phone Cord ($7.95)

If Router Rented and not Returned, will be billed an additional $211.95 (tax included) for the Router.

StateCollegeInternet is providing equipment to you for your use of the Service.  StateCollegeInternet, in its discretion, may replace equipment due to manufacturer’s defect at no cost to you under the following circumstances:  The equipment failure was not due to negligence on your behalf for example but not limited to physical damage, liquid spills, electrical power surge, etc.

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